Scanner Maker Cameras

The MakerBot tends to leave some extra lines of plastic across the gaps so you need to trim that off before you put the camera in. If you don't trim those, the camera won't fit and might break your part when you try to put it in. Connector pieces (2x) The next thing to print is two of the connector pieces. Grab the file here. Infrared Cameras Inc., a small private company in Beaumont, Texas, sells two fever detection systems that have been approved by the FDA for medical use that are priced at $5,000 and $10,000.

The advanced process of digital transformation brings along discussion about privacy and data protection. Increasing video surveillance and reports about hackers taking control over your camera systems intensify the fear of becoming a ’Transparent Man’.
Perfect prevailing conditions to test my newest creation: the ‚Naked Scan App‘.

How does the app work? Open the camera on your phone or iPad and simply point towards a passer-by. On the display, in contrast to reality, you will see the person you’re filming completely naked.
Do we all have to be afraid from now on every time a camera is pointed at us? Is this really an existing technology?
Well, you guessed it, it’s not (yet)!

If you followed my work in the past you may have realized that I always enjoy testing my fellow humans’ faith in technology. I like to showcase innovations that don’t really exist. For example I poured beer out of my iPad at the world-famous german beer hall Hofbraeuhaus Munich. Another time I made my iPad levitate by using a so-called ‘helium app’.

To be fair, people might have heard about body scanners in regards to airport security controls. And actually powerful augmented reality applications are already capable of exchanging faces in real-time.
We’re now able to project masks, make-up and beards onto our moving faces – for example with the very successful Snapchat app. Almost like performing magic!


I am curious to find out how my viewers will relate to this topic on my YouTube channel.

Scanner Maker CamerasCamerasScanner

Thanks a lot to the shopping mall in Regensburg, Germany where we are always welcome to shoot our videos. The Elevator Spider Prank was also recorded there which is the most successful video on my channel to date, with 13 million views and counting.

Scanner Maker Cameras App

Also a big thank you to my ‚naked models’ Jane Sommer, Ngà Doa and Elias Del Core
(Instagram Elias DelCore )

Scanner Maker Cameras Wireless

While doing research for the making of this video I found a few clips that went into the same direction, for example a naked scanner at the airport „Just for laughs“, or a prank app for Android phones.
In this respect credit also goes to those people as well.

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